Born for Such a Time as This

Born for Such a Time as This
HD video, 1'30''
HD video, 1'30''
"Born for Such a Time as This" operates as a study of religious products available online, representing the contemporary nexus of religion, consumerism and modern capitalism, in which we locate ourselves.
Using photography and video, Takemura simultaneously explores her particular interest in Christianity, which has its roots in her childhood and adolescence when she spent 15 years in a Catholic missionary school.
Using photography and video, Takemura simultaneously explores her particular interest in Christianity, which has its roots in her childhood and adolescence when she spent 15 years in a Catholic missionary school.
Referencing Max Weber’s ‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’, the project addresses the powerful forces of consumer culture which commodifies almost everything. Even religion is not free from the invisible hand of the market economy, which almost seems like a supernatural entity.
The title is a reference to the biblical phrase "Perhaps you were born for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14), which speaks to stepping up to fulfil God's purpose, even if it means earthly death.
The title is a reference to the biblical phrase "Perhaps you were born for such a time as this" (Esther 4:14), which speaks to stepping up to fulfil God's purpose, even if it means earthly death.

Our Lady for Sale
170x 20x 5cm | fabric, hooks, steel

Reverse Transubstantiation
2023 |15x10x 7cm | display stand, label, water, glass
photography set of 3

Our Lady for Sale
The figurines of the virgin Mary purchased online were made in China, which is officially an atheist state. The objects for Christians are mass-produced in a state that doesn't recognise the existence of God, and the market economy endows them with ‘sacredness’ to increase value.
公式に無神論を採用している中国で生産された聖母マリアの置物。 神の存在を認めていない国でキリスト教関連の商品が単なるモノとして大量生産され、 それに市場経済が「神聖さ」という付加価値を与えている。現代資本主義社会の奇妙な構造について考える。

The 3D crystal, purchased from China, depicts Jesus with East Asian facial features. It has been common for people to portray Jesus as a member of their culture or ethnic group. Although the image of Jesus as a white man is distributed around the world, scientists believe thatJesus most likely had brown eyes, dark hair and olive skin given he was a Middle Eastern Jew - How did Jesus become so white?

Takemura returned the item which was delivered in damaged condition, but it was sent back because neither the address nor the recipient existed. The seller provided a fake address and deleted their account from Amazon.

タイトルの 『Born For Such A Time As This』 は「あなたはこのような時代のために生まれたのだろう」(エステル記4:14)という旧約聖書からの引用であり、たとえそれが地上における死を意味するとしても神の計画を遂行するために行動することを促す一節である。
作品の基底にはカトリック系ミッションスクールで15 年間を過ごした武村のキリスト教への強い関心がある。
タイトルの 『Born For Such A Time As This』 は「あなたはこのような時代のために生まれたのだろう」(エステル記4:14)という旧約聖書からの引用であり、たとえそれが地上における死を意味するとしても神の計画を遂行するために行動することを促す一節である。
作品の基底にはカトリック系ミッションスクールで15 年間を過ごした武村のキリスト教への強い関心がある。